Sunday, April 29, 2007

Stomach Bug and House Update

When it rains, it pours. That's what it feels like at our house right now. In the middle of the night Thursday, we woke up to Daniel throwing up. He threw up every 15-20 minutes all Thursday night and most of the day Friday. We went to the doctor and it is just a stomach bug. But, as of today, he still is not eating hardly anything. The throwing up has stopped, but now it is coming out the other end and he can't eat anything. He is sleeping a lot and I am worried about him. Mom was supposed to go home today, but is staying for a few days, at least. Daniel will not be able to go to school tomorrow, so it will be great for us not to have to miss work. Hallie started throwing up last night, but is better today. She just has a weak stomach.

On the house front, we had the inspection on Friday and I think everything is good. We are going to need to fix a few things, but they were all expected. We spent all day Saturday looking at houses and only found one that is a possibility. We probably will make an offer today, but the offer may be too low. We really like the house, but we aren't going to pay full price for it. More updates later..


Leah McDonald said...

Busy few weeks for you guys...hope everyone is over the stomach bug! Keep us posted on the house hunt!

Sallie said...

There is another right around the curve from us - just went on the market Friday......not that I am pushy or anything.